Wednesday, February 29, 2012


i am continuing my quest to be healthier and aside from going totally vegetarian, as the many books (skinny bitch) and documentaries (food over knives) i've watched suggest...i think incorporating healthy fats and more greens is probably an easier approach. i figured i'll take baby steps and possibly be vegetarian 4 times/week and continue to make better choices.

seared ahi tuna is incredibly delicious and filling. i would typically prefer rice, but in my healthy journey, i substituted with an arugula seaweed salad.

  • 6oz sushi-grade tuna
  • 2 T sesame seeds
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • olive oil
pat tuna dry with paper towel. heat olive oil on medium high heat.

mix sesame seeds, salt & pepper in a plate. press tuna on top of sesame seeds to coat.

sear each side of tuna for about 1 minute. remove from heat and cut to about 1/4" slices. serve with choice salad greens.